Divinum Officium Divinum Officium is a treasure! This website contains the texts of the traditional Roman Rite of both the Mass and the Divine Office in Latin, English and a variety of other languages for every single day of the Church Year. As the texts for Lauds, Vespers, Compline and the other Hours are printable in Latin-English dual language format, the website is a tremendous resource for those who would like to pray the traditional Divine Office either on their own or in community. Church Music Association of America "Musica Sacra" is the website of the Church Music Association of America. In addition to notices of current musical events, it contains an astonishing array of downloads of sources for and pertaining to Gregorian Chant. The website hosts CMAA’s "Chant Café", a blog site for conversation with people who love traditional Church music. OnePeterFive OnePeterFive’s motto is "Rebuilding Catholic Culture. Restoring Catholic Tradition." We are fellow travelers! This website features articles and podcasts on Catholic life, Church news, theology, liturgy and the sacraments, and a blog site for tradition-minded Catholics. The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny, our sister organization in western Connecticut, has since shortly after Pope Benedict’s issuance of Summorum Pontificum in 2007 pursued with great success the very goals to which we here at the Latin Mass Society aspire. Its website is visually refulgent with imagery relating to the Traditional Latin Mass. Adoremus Bulletin Adoremus is the "Society for the Renewal of Sacred Liturgy." It produces a monthly bulletin promoting a "new liturgical movement" for what is popularly known as "the reform of the reform" which occurred in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. Summorum Pontificum Summorum Pontificum is Pope Benedict XVI's groundbreaking letter which is responsible for the momentum and success behind the widespread grassroots restoration of the traditional Latin liturgy. |